Mit Tachyonen und Gold-Chip gegen Handystrahlen...

"Ralph Aichinger" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Und wenn du die Bremswirkung ansprichst: Die Physik ist ja die gleiche
wie beim Motorrad, eventuell liegt dort der Schwerpunkt etwas tiefer,
"etwa" ist gut. Der Schwerpunkt eines Motorrades liegt deutlich tiefer und
der Radstand ist länger.

Bei meinem Rad ist es nicht mĂśglich voll zu bremsen, wenn man nicht einen
Überschlag riskieren möchte.

Wolfgang Horejsi
Am 09.07.2012 07:19, schrieb Wolfgang Horejsi:

"etwa" ist gut. Der Schwerpunkt eines Motorrades liegt deutlich tiefer
und der Radstand ist länger.

Bei meinem Rad ist es nicht mĂśglich voll zu bremsen, wenn man nicht
einen Überschlag riskieren möchte.
Also Schwerpunkt weiter nach unten verlagern. Ev. Birnenform anstreben? ;-)
mfg hdw
Horst-D.Winzler schrieb:

Am 09.07.2012 07:19, schrieb Wolfgang Horejsi:

"etwa" ist gut. Der Schwerpunkt eines Motorrades liegt deutlich tiefer
und der Radstand ist länger.

Bei meinem Rad ist es nicht möglich voll zu bremsen, wenn man nicht
einen Überschlag riskieren möchte.

Also Schwerpunkt weiter nach unten verlagern. Ev. Birnenform anstreben? ;-)
Oder den Radstand verlängern. Hilfsweise auf den Gepäckträger setzen.

Gruß Martin
Bitte nicht an der E-Mail-Adresse fummeln, die paßt so.
On 08 Jul 2012 19:09:47 GMT, Ralph Aichinger <> wrote:

Dünnere oder dickere Reifen sind im wesentlichen auch eine Frage
des Reifendrucks. Rennradreifen haben 8bar oder so. Die sind auf
Effizienz, nicht auf Komfort optimiert.
Und das hat nichts mit der Aufstandsfläche zu tun, damit im Falle
einer Vollbremsung der Reifen eine gewisse Zeit lang durchhält?

Und Federung und Dämpfung sollen doch den Kontakt der Reifen mit der
Fahrbahn garantieren und nicht nur dem Komfort dienen.

Das die Lichtvorschriften beim Fahrrad nicht mehr zeitgemäß sind,
hatten wir ja schon erwähnt, ein Mofa (Vmax 25 km/h) brauchte schon 15
Watt vorne, wimre, beim Rennrad reicht eine Batterielampe...

Also ich möchte mit keinem Fahrrad, das ich bisher kenne, 60 fahren
wollen (ja, ich habe Klasse 1)
Am 09.07.2012 11:43, schrieb Martin D. Bartsch:

ein Mofa (Vmax 25 km/h) brauchte schon 15
Watt vorne, wimre,
Und das war mit schon vor Jahrzehnten zu funzelig, also kam da
Lichtmaschine und Leuchte eine Kleinkraftrads ran. Den Fernlichtfaden
hab ich allerdings nicht genutzt.

Gruß Dieter
Martin D. Bartsch <> wrote:
On 08 Jul 2012 19:09:47 GMT, Ralph Aichinger <> wrote:

DĂźnnere oder dickere Reifen sind im wesentlichen auch eine Frage
des Reifendrucks. Rennradreifen haben 8bar oder so. Die sind auf
Effizienz, nicht auf Komfort optimiert.

Und das hat nichts mit der Aufstandsfläche zu tun, damit im Falle
einer Vollbremsung der Reifen eine gewisse Zeit lang durchhält?

Noch Fragen?

Und Federung und Dämpfung sollen doch den Kontakt der Reifen mit der
Fahrbahn garantieren und nicht nur dem Komfort dienen.
Klar. Trotzdem hätte ich noch nie gehört, daß Abheben ein großes
Problem beim Radfahren gewesen wäre.

Das die Lichtvorschriften beim Fahrrad nicht mehr zeitgemäß sind,
hatten wir ja schon erwähnt, ein Mofa (Vmax 25 km/h) brauchte schon 15
Watt vorne, wimre, beim Rennrad reicht eine Batterielampe...
Keine Frage, das hinkt 50 Jahre hinter dem Stand der Technik her.

Also ich mĂśchte mit keinem Fahrrad, das ich bisher kenne, 60 fahren
wollen (ja, ich habe Klasse 1)
Ich bin schon Ăśfter (bergab) 60 gefahren, und mit einem halbwegs
gewarteten Rennrad auf einer ebenen Bundesstraße ist das auch
fĂźr den nicht gar so geĂźbten kein Problem. Ich glaube das schnellste
war mal 70 oder 80, aber das ist im wesentlichen nur von der
Topographie abhängig.

Am 09.07.2012 07:19, schrieb Wolfgang Horejsi:

Bei meinem Rad ist es nicht mĂśglich voll zu bremsen, wenn man nicht
einen Überschlag riskieren möchte.
Das ist bei einem Mopped ebenso. Außer auf rutschigen Untergründen.

Hier gibt es mehrere ausführliche Artikel dazu:

On Jul 26, 3:39 pm, Nomen Nescio <> wrote:
And now Belfort Instrument Company (dbaDigiWxAWOS, Gamma
Scientific, UDT Instruments, Advanced Retro, RoadVista, KR
Acquisition Corporation) finds itself in United States Bankruptcy
Court as evidenced by:

Belfort Instrument Company is selling to a known terrorist country as
evidenced by mention of theDigiWxAWOS on their corporate homepage
sold to:

•Lahore International Airport (LHE/OPLA) RVR System, Lahore Pakistan

And then there is word of this:
During the first two weeks of January 2007, U.S. air strikes targeted
four sites in southern Somalia formerly under al Qaida control where
terrorists have been training and hiding for months.

"As we speak now, the area is being bombarded by the American air
force," a Somali government official told Reuters two weeks ago.

The U.S. attacks targeted an area close to Ras Kamboni, a coastal
village near the Kenyan border where many Islamists are believed to
be hiding after being ousted by Ethiopia-backed government forces,
the official added.

Four places were hit -- Hayo, Garer, Bankajirow and Badmadowe, the
source said. "Bankajirow was the last Islamist holdout. Bankajirow
and Badmadowe were hit hardest," he added.

The Pentagon confirmed only one air strike that took place in the
south of the country, saying that it was part of a wider offensive
aimed at an al-Qaeda cell that includes suspects in the 1998 bombings
of U.S. embassies in east Africa and a hotel in Kenya.

Meanwhile, ABC News quoted U.S. and French military sources as saying
that American U.S. special forces were working with Ethiopian troops
on the ground in operations inside Somalia.

Following a thrust by the U.S. military, U.S. special forces
discovered a Belfort InstrumentsDigiwxAWOS weather reporting system
on a hill south of Ras Kamboni.

The Belfort InstrumentsDigiwxAWOS station was not operational as
it had suffered a direct military hit from an explosion of unknown
origin. But theDigiwxname could be clearly seen imprinted on the 15
foot tower which now lays on it side in pieces.

U.S. troops subsequently uncovered handheldDigiwxweather receivers
in two of the camps previoulsy occupied by al-Qaeda terrorists which
apparently had been left behind and abandoned.

How the Belfort InstrumentsDigiwxAWOS system made it to Somalia and
into terrorists hands is still unknown. Whether al-Qaeda and Osama
bin-Laden organizations are employingDigiwxAWOS units in other
parts of the world is currently unknown.

U.S. troops have been advised to be on the lookout for additionalDigiwxAWOS units under Al-Qaeda and/or Sunni/Shiite control in Iraq
and Afghanistan.

U.S. special forces are reportedly monitoring the two known wireless
frequencies thatDigiwxAWOS transmits on, notably 464.6 and 464.75
MHz. British military sources report that signals on both frequencies
have been detected but only occasionally as the terrorists seem to be
running Belfort InstrumentsDigiwxfor only short periods of time.

Belfort Instrument Company (Baltimore, MD, USA), the original
manufacturer ofDigiwxAWOS, has had no comment.

Why would an American company be "aiding and abetting" known
terrorists organizations around the world while doing business in
pursuit of the almighty American dollar? Maybe you would want to
contact them and find out why:

Belfort Instrument Company
727 South Wolfe Street
Baltimore, MD 21231
410-342-7028 (fax)
sales (at)
service (at)

Gamma Scientific President
Richard L. Austin
rlaustin (at)

Belfort COO Debra S. Lange (Alascio)
dsalascio (at)

Belfort Co-Owner Bruce R. Robinson
brobinson (at)

Belfort Co-Owner Nicholas C. Kaufman
cs (at)

Belfort Sales Director Ralph F. Petragnani
rpetragnani (at)

BelfortDigiwxAWOS Support Manager M. Tylor Burton
digiwxsupport (at)

Much has been written about Belfort Instrument Company'sDigiWxAWOS anonymously for good reason because the BelfortDigiWx"fur" has been flying since at least 2005. One can
find mention of Belfort's inferior weather station namedDigiWxAWOS as witnessed by:

Ten reasons to NOT buy BelfortDigiWxAWOS (keep reading)

I also am of the belief that Belfort Instrument Company has
been actively censoring anyone and any words which dishes
dirt on this inferiorDigiWxAWOS weather station.

Now we have word from Belfort Instrument Company of
a "Recommended Service Bulletin" dated April 21, 2011
and numbered 2011-1.

SUBJECT: Unicom Transmission

MODELS AFFECTED: BelfortDigiWxAV100 with
                 either Technisonic or ICom radios

TIME OF COMPLIANCE: At owners discretion

There have been some discussions by users at congested
airports of not being able to receive the AWOS broadcast
over the Unicom or the weather report stepping on other
Unicom communications. The following suggest may decrease
the problem.

1. On theDigiWxradio, set the squelch well above
the squelch break point this, in turn requires more
power to break the squelch which means traffic has to be
closer to the airport to receive the weather report.

2. TheDigiWxstandard broadcast mode is using 3 MIC
clicks. At busy airports, there isn t a way for theDigiWxto determine if someone is clicking the MIC 3
times for the weather or three (3) separate pilots are
clicking the MIC to talk. If this is the case, it might
help to change the number of MIC clicks for weather to
5 MIC clicks. Both of the above recommendations will
help reduce the number of broadcasts from theDigiWx
and they are easy to do and don t cost money.

Belfort Field Service Team
800 937-2353

Well, I fly from one of the airports in MT with one
of theseDigiWxAWOS pieces of SHIT. And its beyond me
to understand why changing the mic clicks at a congested
airport is going to fix the problem of aDigiWxwhich
clogs the UNICOM frequency. Just like Belfort said,DigiWxcannot distinguish who is clicking the mic 3
times. TheDigiWxis stupid. When it hears any 3 mic
clicks, it activates and clogs an already congested
UNICOM frequency. We pointed this out to Belfort 3

If I cut thru the emotion of everything ever written
about the Belfort Instrument CompanyDigiWxAWOS, I
am now a believer. Belfort doesn't know the first
phucking thing about designing an AWOS to broadcast
over a UNICOM frequency. I have talked with numerous
pilots from other airports who have the SuperAWOS
and the Vaisala AWOS. And they just DON'T have these
clogged frequency problems.

Yep, you read that right:
BUY Belfort InstrumentsDigiWx-SHIT... Have a PILE OF SHIT

Have you heard about the Meadow Lake Airport AWOS Fiasco?
Quoting, in short:

"Executive Conclusion: Of the four candidate AWOS manufacturers, only
two meet the threshold and objective system performance levels. These
are systems provided by All Weather Inc (AWI) and Vaisala. The
SuperAWOS by Potomac Aviation does not pass an initial cut due to
maintenance problems encountered with their SuperUnicom installed at
Meadow Lake airport."

"The BelfortDigiWX"AWOS" is not a true FAA fully commission-able
AWOS. Its complete sensor suite is not certified. Installation of
system at 00V means that we would not have our weather data (METAR)
accessible in the federal database which means that Flight Service
other sites such as ADDS, XM weather, WSI, etc would not not have
Meadow Lake weather data. The only certified weather info would be
altimeter and visibility. While this does allow Part 91 and 135
instrument approaches, the inability to incorporate its complete
data in the federal system is a deal-breaker."

"The apparent initial cost savings of the initial BelfortDigiWX
acquisition is minimal and not worth the lack of functionality and
usefulness to the national aviation community. Life-cycle cost of the
Belfort system over 15 years is over $27,000 higher than the Vaisala

"It would not allow us to transition to a three letter airport

"Bottom line is that the Belfort system represents false economy,
minimal pilot usefulness and is inconsistent with providing the
aviation community services that make this airport attractive to
current and future pilots and businesses."

"Of the remaining systems offered by AWI and Vaisala, Vaisala is the
preferred system."

The complete report highlightingDigiWxshortcomings can be found at:

Now have a LQQK at this.....

Ron Lee from Meadow Lake Airport wrote in Pike's Peak Flyer:
January 2009

The SuperUnicom was shut down in early August 2008 due to
harmful interference on the 122.7 MHz frequency A grant was
submitted and approved to get an AWOS III P/T using FAA funds.
Our portion of the cost is around $4,000 although incidentals
may drive it higher... but far below the $25,000 previously
budgeted for an AWOS. One MLAA Board member is attempting to
force a system that is not fully certified down our throats
using the flawed rationale that it is cheaper that the fully
certified systems offered by All Weather Inc and Vaisala. A
major down side to the Belfort system is that pilots will not
be able to access METAR data through Flight Service, ADDS, on
their on-board weather systems, etc. We will very likely be
unable to acquire a three letter airport ID and maintenance
will cost much more over its lifetime than with either of the
fully certified systems. Plus in its current implementation,
there is no obvious upgrade path to getting present weather
and lightning information available in an AWOS III P/T system.
It is crucial to the safety of this airport and our usefulness
as a destination airport within the National Airspace System
that we get a state of the art AWOS. With the FAA grant, it is
amazingly affordable. But it is essential that local pilots
become informed on this matter and contact all Board members
to express their view. My opinion... based upon extensive
research on behalf of MLAA members... is that we need a fully
certified AWOS. The minimum configuration is AWOS III, with
AWOS III P/T highly desirable (objective). It needs to be the
number one priority acquisition with a target installation not
later than Spring 2009. It must not be sacrificed to pay
interest on the land acquisition.

His full report is located he

If you're consideringDigiwxAWOS... READ THIS ANALYSIS FIRST!

Following up on the post regarding the UN-APPROVED, UN-
CERTIFIED and UN-OFFICIAL weather data spewed by BelfortDigiwxAWOS, one also needs to note that they only sold 2
units during all of 2011.

Bruce R. Robinson's 10 reasons to NOT buy BelfortDigiwxAWOS:

Ten reasons for not buying Belfort InstrumentDigiwxAWOS:
1) no FAA Approved or FAA Certified wind speed
2) no FAA Approved or FAA Certified wind direction
3) no FAA Approved or FAA Certified temperature
4) no FAA Approved or FAA Certified dewpoint
5) no FAA Approved or FAA Certified density altitude
6) no FAA Approved or FAA Certified visibility
7) no FAA Approved or FAA Certified precipitation measurement
8) no FAA Approved or FAA Certified precipitation discriminator
9) no FAA Approved or FAA Certified ceiling measurement (ceilometer)
10) no FAA Approved or FAA Certified lightning detection

About Belfort Instrument Company:
Belfort used to be a leading provider of weather instruments
to the government, professional meteorology and aviation
markets. Key words: "use to be." They never provided any wind
sensors to the Wright Brothers despite their fantastic
assertion that they did! Historical archives available at the
U.S. Air Force National Museum (1100 Spaatz Street, Wright-
Patterson AFB, OH 45433) tells a very different story and
specifically mentions a "Richards" anemometer which Wilbur
Wright held as pictured
at: "".
The Belfort aerovane wind system on U.S. Naval aircraft
carriers are currently being replaced with ultrasonic wind
sensors from QPI (11207 Single Oak Road, Fredericksburg, VA
22407) which just won a $94 million dollar contract for the
Moriah Wind System. Belfort wind speed and direction
anemometers found on the ASOS platform are now being
replaced with ultrasonic sensors from the Vaisala Group.
Belfort Instruments Model 6000 visibility sensor will no
longer be a part of the U.S. Air Force's OS-21/FSB program
come early 2007. And despite a $500,000 U.S. government
grant from NASA's Small Aircraft Transportation System (SATS)
program in 2004 to build a low-cost ceilometer, Belfort
didn't possess the technical smarts nor the engineering
know-how to accomplish the task. So now they're importing
the Eliasson CBME 80A laser ceilometer from Muir Matheson.
As one can readily see, Belfort is no longer setting any
standards of measurement in the weather instrumentation
world. And now Belfort is propagating lie after lie about
their fabled company history while trying to steal
thunder from the accomplishments of the Wright Brothers.
According to the National Museum of American History (12th
Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20560),
Belfort founder Julian Friez never made it to Baltimore to
set up shop until sometime in the 1890s even though Belfort
officials fraudulently claim the company was founded in 1876.
Thus, there was no 125th anniversary for Belfort to
celebrate in 2001 even though they hosted a party to which
no one came! Belfort's proclamation that it is the "Oldest
Weather Company in the World" is simply yet another Belfort
lie as Thomas Romney Robinson invented the first wind
anemometer in 1846, six years before Julian Friez was born
in 1852. Belfort doesn't even know it's own company history
so they just make it up! You should wonder what other crap
(eg.DigiwxAWOS) they also make up! For more information
about Belfort Instrument andDigiWx, visit dogsh*

December 29, 2010

Ellen H. Robinson will SUCK and FUCK you!

Onze afternoon, i wasz catchin a snooze in my backyard on a sunny
day. much to my surprize, i lifted my hat and found my neighborz
Ellen H. Robinson unzipping my pants. she gestured to me with herz
indexes finger over herz slender lips to be quiet. I say figures
okay, she then unzipped my pants and reached in and tuggzed on my
big black mamba! Imediatelzly, my blacks a mamba becomes engorged
with hot burstz of human excitementz. With a big tugz with both of
herz handz, Ellen H. Robinson pluckz me black mamba to a full
erctionz! she then opened herz mouthz and slipsz it over my full
manhoodz. she gagz and coughz a bit but begins her suckin action
upz and downz! she repeatedlyz goez faster and faster untilz i
feelz my venemouz black mamba release a massive explozion into
herz mouth. At first, she triyz to swallow it allz but my venomouz
fluidz keepz jaculating in herz mouthz. Then, she pullz herz head
awayz with herz handz still clenched on my black mamba. she coughz
and gagz a minute over the concretes but then placez herz lips back
on myz black mamba. Once aginz, she jerks it hard withz both handz.
Again, I'z begin to release a strong venemouz fluid at a fullz flow
into herz small mouth. Myz black mamba squirmz in herz handz as i
release all of my venemous fluid from myz snake into herz mouthz.
i'z kannotz waitz til my neighbor Ellen H. Robinson sneaks back
over to my house for somz afternoonz delight. Next timz, me thinks
i shall let my black mamba go hogwildz in herz anuz. if she suckz
me this good next time, i shall let myz snake ezcape in herz cunt
andz give her zome my brotherly love. Myz black mamba has neverz
felt so good after Ellen H. Robinson wrapped herz lipz around the
big headz on meez mamba!

Belfort Instrument Company does business under several names
including Gamma Scientific, UDT Instruments, Advanced Retro,
Road Vista and KR Acquisitions Corporation.

Bruce R. Robinson
Ellen H. Robinson
60 Paako Drive
Sandia Park, NM 87047

Does anyone have anything good to say about Belfort'sDigiwxAWOS?

BUY Belfort InstrumentsDigiWx-SHIT... Have a PILE OF SHIT

Google Belfort Instruments owners and managers:

Click these links to DESTROY KR Acquisition Corp:
Absolutely love the links, got anymore.....

Belfort Instrument Company does business under several names
including Gamma Scientific, UDT Instruments, Advanced Retro,
Road Vista, KR Acquisitions Corporation and Utilipoint.

Bruce R. Robinson
Ellen H. Robinson
60 Paako Drive
Sandia Park, NM 87047

Does anyone have anything good to say about Belfort's Digiwx AWOS?

BUY Belfort Instruments DigiWx-SHIT... Have a PILE OF SHIT

Google Belfort Instruments owners and managers:

Click these links to DESTROY KR Acquisition Corp:
On Aug 1, 5:19 pm, Nomen Nescio <> wrote:
And now Belfort Instrument Company (dbaDigiWxAWOS, Gamma
Scientific, UDT Instruments, Advanced Retro, RoadVista, KR
Acquisition Corporation and Utilipoint International) finds
itself in United States Bankruptcy Court as evidenced by:

Belfort Instrument Company is selling to a known terrorist country as
evidenced by mention of theDigiWxAWOS on their corporate homepage
sold to:

Lahore International Airport (LHE/OPLA) RVR System, Lahore Pakistan

And then there is word of this:
During the first two weeks of January 2007, U.S. air strikes targeted
four sites in southern Somalia formerly under al Qaida control where
terrorists have been training and hiding for months.

"As we speak now, the area is being bombarded by the American air
force," a Somali government official told Reuters two weeks ago.

The U.S. attacks targeted an area close to Ras Kamboni, a coastal
village near the Kenyan border where many Islamists are believed to
be hiding after being ousted by Ethiopia-backed government forces,
the official added.

Four places were hit -- Hayo, Garer, Bankajirow and Badmadowe, the
source said. "Bankajirow was the last Islamist holdout. Bankajirow
and Badmadowe were hit hardest," he added.

The Pentagon confirmed only one air strike that took place in the
south of the country, saying that it was part of a wider offensive
aimed at an al-Qaeda cell that includes suspects in the 1998 bombings
of U.S. embassies in east Africa and a hotel in Kenya.

Meanwhile, ABC News quoted U.S. and French military sources as saying
that American U.S. special forces were working with Ethiopian troops
on the ground in operations inside Somalia.

Following a thrust by the U.S. military, U.S. special forces
discovered a Belfort InstrumentsDigiwxAWOS weather reporting system
on a hill south of Ras Kamboni.

The Belfort InstrumentsDigiwxAWOS station was not operational as
it had suffered a direct military hit from an explosion of unknown
origin. But theDigiwxname could be clearly seen imprinted on the 15
foot tower which now lays on it side in pieces.

U.S. troops subsequently uncovered handheldDigiwxweather receivers
in two of the camps previoulsy occupied by al-Qaeda terrorists which
apparently had been left behind and abandoned.

How the Belfort InstrumentsDigiwxAWOS system made it to Somalia and
into terrorists hands is still unknown. Whether al-Qaeda and Osama
bin-Laden organizations are employingDigiwxAWOS units in other
parts of the world is currently unknown.

U.S. troops have been advised to be on the lookout for additionalDigiwxAWOS units under Al-Qaeda and/or Sunni/Shiite control in Iraq
and Afghanistan.

U.S. special forces are reportedly monitoring the two known wireless
frequencies thatDigiwxAWOS transmits on, notably 464.6 and 464.75
MHz. British military sources report that signals on both frequencies
have been detected but only occasionally as the terrorists seem to be
running Belfort InstrumentsDigiwxfor only short periods of time.

Belfort Instrument Company (Baltimore, MD, USA), the original
manufacturer ofDigiwxAWOS, has had no comment.

Why would an American company be "aiding and abetting" known
terrorists organizations around the world while doing business in
pursuit of the almighty American dollar? Maybe you would want to
contact them and find out why:

Belfort Instrument Company
727 South Wolfe Street
Baltimore, MD 21231
410-342-7028 (fax)
sales (at)
service (at)

Gamma Scientific President
Richard L. Austin
rlaustin (at)

Belfort COO Debra S. Lange (Alascio)
dsalascio (at)

Belfort Co-Owner Bruce R. Robinson
brobinson (at)

Belfort Co-Owner Nicholas C. Kaufman
cs (at)

Belfort Sales Director Ralph F. Petragnani
rpetragnani (at)

BelfortDigiwxAWOS Support Manager M. Tylor Burton
digiwxsupport (at)

Much has been written about Belfort Instrument Company'sDigiWxAWOS anonymously for good reason because the BelfortDigiWx"fur" has been flying since at least 2005. One can
find mention of Belfort's inferior weather station namedDigiWxAWOS as witnessed by:

Ten reasons to NOT buy BelfortDigiWxAWOS (keep reading)

I also am of the belief that Belfort Instrument Company has
been actively censoring anyone and any words which dishes
dirt on this inferiorDigiWxAWOS weather station.

Now we have word from Belfort Instrument Company of
a "Recommended Service Bulletin" dated April 21, 2011
and numbered 2011-1.

SUBJECT: Unicom Transmission

MODELS AFFECTED: BelfortDigiWxAV100 with
                 either Technisonic or ICom radios

TIME OF COMPLIANCE: At owners discretion

There have been some discussions by users at congested
airports of not being able to receive the AWOS broadcast
over the Unicom or the weather report stepping on other
Unicom communications. The following suggest may decrease
the problem.

1. On theDigiWxradio, set the squelch well above
the squelch break point this, in turn requires more
power to break the squelch which means traffic has to be
closer to the airport to receive the weather report.

2. TheDigiWxstandard broadcast mode is using 3 MIC
clicks. At busy airports, there isn t a way for theDigiWxto determine if someone is clicking the MIC 3
times for the weather or three (3) separate pilots are
clicking the MIC to talk. If this is the case, it might
help to change the number of MIC clicks for weather to
5 MIC clicks. Both of the above recommendations will
help reduce the number of broadcasts from theDigiWx
and they are easy to do and don t cost money.

Belfort Field Service Team
800 937-2353

Well, I fly from one of the airports in MT with one
of theseDigiWxAWOS pieces of SHIT. And its beyond me
to understand why changing the mic clicks at a congested
airport is going to fix the problem of aDigiWxwhich
clogs the UNICOM frequency. Just like Belfort said,DigiWxcannot distinguish who is clicking the mic 3
times. TheDigiWxis stupid. When it hears any 3 mic
clicks, it activates and clogs an already congested
UNICOM frequency. We pointed this out to Belfort 3

If I cut thru the emotion of everything ever written
about the Belfort Instrument CompanyDigiWxAWOS, I
am now a believer. Belfort doesn't know the first
phucking thing about designing an AWOS to broadcast
over a UNICOM frequency. I have talked with numerous
pilots from other airports who have the SuperAWOS
and the Vaisala AWOS. And they just DON'T have these
clogged frequency problems.

Yep, you read that right:
BUY Belfort InstrumentsDigiWx-SHIT... Have a PILE OF SHIT

Have you heard about the Meadow Lake Airport AWOS Fiasco?
Quoting, in short:

"Executive Conclusion: Of the four candidate AWOS manufacturers, only
two meet the threshold and objective system performance levels. These
are systems provided by All Weather Inc (AWI) and Vaisala. The
SuperAWOS by Potomac Aviation does not pass an initial cut due to
maintenance problems encountered with their SuperUnicom installed at
Meadow Lake airport."

"The BelfortDigiWX"AWOS" is not a true FAA fully commission-able
AWOS. Its complete sensor suite is not certified. Installation of
system at 00V means that we would not have our weather data (METAR)
accessible in the federal database which means that Flight Service
other sites such as ADDS, XM weather, WSI, etc would not not have
Meadow Lake weather data. The only certified weather info would be
altimeter and visibility. While this does allow Part 91 and 135
instrument approaches, the inability to incorporate its complete
data in the federal system is a deal-breaker."

"The apparent initial cost savings of the initial BelfortDigiWX
acquisition is minimal and not worth the lack of functionality and
usefulness to the national aviation community. Life-cycle cost of the
Belfort system over 15 years is over $27,000 higher than the Vaisala

"It would not allow us to transition to a three letter airport

"Bottom line is that the Belfort system represents false economy,
minimal pilot usefulness and is inconsistent with providing the
aviation community services that make this airport attractive to
current and future pilots and businesses."

"Of the remaining systems offered by AWI and Vaisala, Vaisala is the
preferred system."

The complete report highlightingDigiWxshortcomings can be found at:

Now have a LQQK at this.....

Ron Lee from Meadow Lake Airport wrote in Pike's Peak Flyer:
January 2009

The SuperUnicom was shut down in early August 2008 due to
harmful interference on the 122.7 MHz frequency A grant was
submitted and approved to get an AWOS III P/T using FAA funds.
Our portion of the cost is around $4,000 although incidentals
may drive it higher... but far below the $25,000 previously
budgeted for an AWOS. One MLAA Board member is attempting to
force a system that is not fully certified down our throats
using the flawed rationale that it is cheaper that the fully
certified systems offered by All Weather Inc and Vaisala. A
major down side to the Belfort system is that pilots will not
be able to access METAR data through Flight Service, ADDS, on
their on-board weather systems, etc. We will very likely be
unable to acquire a three letter airport ID and maintenance
will cost much more over its lifetime than with either of the
fully certified systems. Plus in its current implementation,
there is no obvious upgrade path to getting present weather
and lightning information available in an AWOS III P/T system.
It is crucial to the safety of this airport and our usefulness
as a destination airport within the National Airspace System
that we get a state of the art AWOS. With the FAA grant, it is
amazingly affordable. But it is essential that local pilots
become informed on this matter and contact all Board members
to express their view. My opinion... based upon extensive
research on behalf of MLAA members... is that we need a fully
certified AWOS. The minimum configuration is AWOS III, with
AWOS III P/T highly desirable (objective). It needs to be the
number one priority acquisition with a target installation not
later than Spring 2009. It must not be sacrificed to pay
interest on the land acquisition.

His full report is located he

If you're consideringDigiwxAWOS... READ THIS ANALYSIS FIRST!

Following up on the post regarding the UN-APPROVED, UN-
CERTIFIED and UN-OFFICIAL weather data spewed by BelfortDigiwxAWOS, one also needs to note that they only sold 2
units during all of 2011.

Bruce R. Robinson's 10 reasons to NOT buy BelfortDigiwxAWOS:

Ten reasons for not buying Belfort InstrumentDigiwxAWOS:
1) no FAA Approved or FAA Certified wind speed
2) no FAA Approved or FAA Certified wind direction
3) no FAA Approved or FAA Certified temperature
4) no FAA Approved or FAA Certified dewpoint
5) no FAA Approved or FAA Certified density altitude
6) no FAA Approved or FAA Certified visibility
7) no FAA Approved or FAA Certified precipitation measurement
8) no FAA Approved or FAA Certified precipitation discriminator
9) no FAA Approved or FAA Certified ceiling measurement (ceilometer)
10) no FAA Approved or FAA Certified lightning detection

About Belfort Instrument Company:
Belfort used to be a leading provider of weather instruments
to the government, professional meteorology and aviation
markets. Key words: "use to be." They never provided any wind
sensors to the Wright Brothers despite their fantastic
assertion that they did! Historical archives available at the
U.S. Air Force National Museum (1100 Spaatz Street, Wright-
Patterson AFB, OH 45433) tells a very different story and
specifically mentions a "Richards" anemometer which Wilbur
Wright held as pictured
at: "".
The Belfort aerovane wind system on U.S. Naval aircraft
carriers are currently being replaced with ultrasonic wind
sensors from QPI (11207 Single Oak Road, Fredericksburg, VA
22407) which just won a $94 million dollar contract for the
Moriah Wind System. Belfort wind speed and direction
anemometers found on the ASOS platform are now being
replaced with ultrasonic sensors from the Vaisala Group.
Belfort Instruments Model 6000 visibility sensor will no
longer be a part of the U.S. Air Force's OS-21/FSB program
come early 2007. And despite a $500,000 U.S. government
grant from NASA's Small Aircraft Transportation System (SATS)
program in 2004 to build a low-cost ceilometer, Belfort
didn't possess the technical smarts nor the engineering
know-how to accomplish the task. So now they're importing
the Eliasson CBME 80A laser ceilometer from Muir Matheson.
As one can readily see, Belfort is no longer setting any
standards of measurement in the weather instrumentation
world. And now Belfort is propagating lie after lie about
their fabled company history while trying to steal
thunder from the accomplishments of the Wright Brothers.
According to the National Museum of American History (12th
Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20560),
Belfort founder Julian Friez never made it to Baltimore to
set up shop until sometime in the 1890s even though Belfort
officials fraudulently claim the company was founded in 1876.
Thus, there was no 125th anniversary for Belfort to
celebrate in 2001 even though they hosted a party to which
no one came! Belfort's proclamation that it is the "Oldest
Weather Company in the World" is simply yet another Belfort
lie as Thomas Romney Robinson invented the first wind
anemometer in 1846, six years before Julian Friez was born
in 1852. Belfort doesn't even know it's own company history
so they just make it up! You should wonder what other crap
(eg.DigiwxAWOS) they also make up! For more information
about Belfort Instrument andDigiWx, visit dogsh*

December 29, 2010

Ellen H. Robinson will SUCK and FUCK you!

Onze afternoon, i wasz catchin a snooze in my backyard on a sunny
day. much to my surprize, i lifted my hat and found my neighborz
Ellen H. Robinson unzipping my pants. she gestured to me with herz
indexes finger over herz slender lips to be quiet. I say figures
okay, she then unzipped my pants and reached in and tuggzed on my
big black mamba! Imediatelzly, my blacks a mamba becomes engorged
with hot burstz of human excitementz. With a big tugz with both of
herz handz, Ellen H. Robinson pluckz me black mamba to a full
erctionz! she then opened herz mouthz and slipsz it over my full
manhoodz. she gagz and coughz a bit but begins her suckin action
upz and downz! she repeatedlyz goez faster and faster untilz i
feelz my venemouz black mamba release a massive explozion into
herz mouth. At first, she triyz to swallow it allz but my venomouz
fluidz keepz jaculating in herz mouthz. Then, she pullz herz head
awayz with herz handz still clenched on my black mamba. she coughz
and gagz a minute over the concretes but then placez herz lips back
on myz black mamba. Once aginz, she jerks it hard withz both handz.
Again, I'z begin to release a strong venemouz fluid at a fullz flow
into herz small mouth. Myz black mamba squirmz in herz handz as i
release all of my venemous fluid from myz snake into herz mouthz.
i'z kannotz waitz til my neighbor Ellen H. Robinson sneaks back
over to my house for somz afternoonz delight. Next timz, me thinks
i shall let my black mamba go hogwildz in herz anuz. if she suckz
me this good next time, i shall let myz snake ezcape in herz cunt
andz give her zome my brotherly love. Myz black mamba has neverz
felt so good after Ellen H. Robinson wrapped herz lipz around the
big headz on meez mamba!

Belfort Instrument Company does business under several names
including Gamma Scientific, UDT Instruments, Advanced Retro,
Road Vista, KR Acquisitions Corporation and Utilipoint International.

Bruce R. Robinson
Ellen H. Robinson
60 Paako Drive
Sandia Park, NM 87047

Does anyone have anything good to say about Belfort'sDigiwxAWOS?

BUY Belfort InstrumentsDigiWx-SHIT... Have a PILE OF SHIT

Google Belfort Instruments owners and managers:

Click these links to DESTROY KR Acquisition Corp:
<> wrote:

Just LOVE the URLs:

Belfort Instrument Company does business under several names
including Gamma Scientific, UDT Instruments, Advanced Retro,
Road Vista, KR Acquisitions Corporation & Utilipoint International.

Bruce R. Robinson
Ellen H. Robinson
60 Paako Drive
Sandia Park, NM 87047

Does anyone have anything good to say about Belfort's Digiwx AWOS?

BUY Belfort Instruments DigiWx-SHIT... Have a PILE OF SHIT

Google Belfort Instruments owners and managers:

Click these links to DESTROY KR Acquisition Corp:
Erstmal danke fĂźr eure schnelen antworten, hatte aber noch nicht die zeit es auszuprobieren.

@Matthias Weingar

meinst du mit ob plus oder minus geschaltet wird, auf welchen zustand die rechteckimpuse wechseln?

10 dieser Impulse (sie unterscheiden sich ein bisschen) werden immer gesendet und dann wiederholt es sich, es kommen wieder die selben 10, außer es ändert sich geschwindigkeit, dann ändern sich die impulse natürlich auch

und eine skizze wäre nett

mfg Manuel
Ansicht auf Narkive:
es reicht nur einen pluspol ein und ausschalten
Ansicht auf Narkive:
On 30 Aug 12 at group /de/sci/electronics in article k1nu3e$pfb$
<> (Martin Pochert) wrote:

Am 30.08.2012 16:35 schrieb Gerd Flaig:

ich schätze mal, das hängt davon ab ob Du die Antenne vorwiegend im
Vakuum betreiben möchtest. ;)

Ich sehe es ein, es war eine blöde Frage.
(wenn man die Zahlen von 300000km/sek im Vakuum und 299710km/sek in
Luft betrachtet, scheint das intuitiv ein großer Unterschied zu sein
:) Gruß Martin
Gestern hab ich einen neuen Spruch gelernt:

Ein guter Ingenieur kann sich niemals so verschätzen,
wie er sich verrechnen kann :)

Saludos (an alle Vernünftigen, Rest sh. sig)

Wolfgang Allinger, anerkannter Trollallergiker :) reply Adresse gesetzt!
Ich diskutiere zukünftig weniger mit Idioten, denn sie ziehen mich auf
ihr Niveau herunter und schlagen mich dort mit ihrer Erfahrung! :p
(lt. alter usenet Weisheit)
Hallo Wilhelm!

Du bist hier IMHO OT. Ich leite dich mal in eine IMHO passendere Gruppe um.

Bastian Lutz

Am 02.09.2012 09:38, schrieb Wilhelm Greiner:

habe einen TC74A5 Temperatursensor an einen raspberry Pi gehängt und möchte
den Temperatursensor nun abfragen, leider klappt das nicht, evtl. weiss
hier jemand weiter und wäre so nett einen Tip zu geben :)

Erkannt wird der Sensor bei i2cdetect und ist auf Adresse 4d, mit i2cdump sieht
man eindeutig das auf der Seite "etwas" ist - nur mit dem Auslesen hapert es
noch, auch sehen mir die Werte ein bisschen eigenartig aus, der Dump ist
unten angehängt.

Beim Versuch den Sensor mittels "i2cget -y 0 0x4d 0" abzufragen, kommt nur
"Error: Read failed".

Hier der Dump:

i2cdump -y 0 0x4d b
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0123456789abcdef
00: XX XX XX XX XX 00 XX XX XX XX XX 00 00 00 c4 00 XXXXX.XXXXX...?.
10: 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 ..?...?...?...?.
20: 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 ..?...?...?...?.
30: 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 ..?...?...?...?.
40: 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 ..?...?...?...?.
50: 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 ..?...?...?...?.
60: 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 ..?...?...?...?.
70: 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 ..?...?...?...?.
80: 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 ..?...?...?...?.
90: 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 ..?...?...?...?.
a0: 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 ..?...?...?...?.
b0: 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 ..?...?...?...?.
c0: 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 ..?...?...?...?.
d0: 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 ..?...?...?...?.
e0: 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 ..?...?...?...?.
f0: 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 00 00 c4 00 ..?...?...?...?.


i2cdump -y 0 0x4d w
0,8 1,9 2,a 3,b 4,c 5,d 6,e 7,f
08: XXXX ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
18: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
28: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
38: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
48: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
50: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
58: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
60: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
68: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
70: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
78: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
80: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
88: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
90: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
98: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
a0: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
a8: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
b0: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
b8: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
c0: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
c8: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
d0: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
d8: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
e0: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
e8: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
f0: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00
f8: ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00 ff00 ff00 ffc4 ff00


Wenn jemand irgendwas von Anonymitaet faselt, wenn er oder jemand
anderes (meist Newbies) darauf hingewiesen wurde, dass er einen Realname
verwenden sollte, hat er den Hinweis nicht richtig gelesen.
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Am Mittwoch, 7. Mai 2003 09:52:09 UTC+2 schrieb Erik Hermann:
Michael Knaus wrote:
Framebuffer bei einer ISA-Karte (VGA5)?

Hups, überlesen. Ich dachte die hätte PCI.
wer kann mir helfen einen Epson ECM-A9112 an einem PC anzuschliessen?
hab das Display gekauft in der hoffnung das es einfach geht aber klappt nicht so wie ich es erwartet habe.
On 9 Dez., 04:10, Paul Henftmann <> wrote:
Am Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2012 00:24:50 UTC+1 schrieb Karl-Ludwig Diehl:

Es muss eine Erklaerung fuer die Ausfaelle geben.
Das Problem ist sicher eingrenzbar. Was sind die
Schwachstellen? Nach Ausfaellen muss Dir gesagt
worden sein, wieso die Anlage ausfiel.

Man konnte jeweils die Anschlusslitze der Spinne an ein
Messgerät hängen und dann von außen zum Beispiel
mit dem Kopf eines Schraubendrehers gegen die Scheibe
klopfen und dann hat sich der gemessene Widerstand
ständig verändert. Also wohl direkt ein Problem der
Spinne, die sich irgendwie auf- oder ablöst.

In einem Fall war auch deutlicher Beschlag im Scheiben-
zwischenraum zu sehen.
Das Problem laesst sich nur interdisziplinaer diskutieren, da
es sehr speziell ist.

Wenn im Scheibenzwischenraum "deutlicher Beschlag" zu
sehen ist, dann ist der Zustand nicht mehr vorhanden, der
normalerweise da sein muss:

"Der Randverbund hat die Aufgabe, die Glasscheiben auf
Distanz mechanisch zusammenzuhalten und zu verhindern,
dass Gasfüllung entweicht und statt ihrer Umgebungsluft und
Luftfeuchtigkeit eindringen." aus:

Wieso sich dadurch Deine sensible Alarmspinne im Fenster
veraendern koennte, ist mir ein Raetsel, denn:

"Die Alarmspinne ist also ein auf ein Sicherheitsglas aufge-
brachtes oder eingearbeitetes Netz aus elektrischen Leitern,
die beim Bruch des Glases unterbrochen werden und so
eine Einbruchmeldeanlage auslösen sollen." aus:

Durch Klopfen duerfte sich eigentlich kein Alarm ausloesen.
Dann koennte sich ja jeder den Spass erlauben, gegen das
Fenster zu klopfen, waehrend Du abwesend bist. Jeder Vogel,
der unabsichtlich gegen das Fenster fliegt, wuerde ebenfalls
Alarm ausloesen.

Klopfen ist kein Glasbruch.

Ein Auf- und Abloeseprozess muesste durch mechanische
Beschaedigung eintreten. Fensterputzen?

"Karl-Ludwig Diehl" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

Klopfen ist kein Glasbruch.
differentielle Analyse wegen Glasbruchsensor, Körperschall
Hochfrequenzresonanz in den Bruchstücken?

Ein Auf- und Abloeseprozess muesste durch mechanische
Beschaedigung eintreten. Fensterputzen?
Vogelkackechemie vielleicht? Fensterputzer eher nicht.

On 9 Dez., 17:45, "gUnther nanonüm" <> wrote:
"Karl-Ludwig Diehl" <> schrieb im

Klopfen ist kein Glasbruch.

differentielle Analyse wegen Glasbruchsensor, Körperschall
Hochfrequenzresonanz in den Bruchstücken?

Ein Auf- und Abloeseprozess muesste durch mechanische
Beschaedigung eintreten. Fensterputzen?

Vogelkackechemie vielleicht? Fensterputzer eher nicht.
Die Alarmdrahtschleifen sind mechanisch offensichtlich vor Be-
schaedigung geschuetzt, da sie zwischen den Einzelscheiben
liegen. Dazu:

"Eine Alarmglasscheibe ist eine Scheibe aus Verbund-
Sicherheitsglas oder Mehrscheiben-Isolierglas mit zwischen
den Einzelscheiben über die ganze Fläche angeordneten
Alarmdrahtschleifen oder Einscheiben-Sicherheitsglas
mit in einer Scheibenecke eingebrannten Leiterschleife."

Es heisst ausserdem , das Alarmglas hat eine

"in der Regel mittels Siebdruck aufgebrachte und eingebrannte
Alarmspinne (elektrische Leiterschleife Klasse C)"

und ausserdem:

"Zum Schutz gegen mechanische Verletzung wird die
Leiterschleife mit einer zusätzlichen transparenten Über-
druckung versehen. Entsprechend den Richtlinien des
Verband der Sachversicherer (VdS) sollte die Leiter-
schleife oben rechts oder oben links angeordnet werden.
In Ausnahmefällen ist eine Anordnung unten rechts
oder unten links möglich." beides zitiert aus:

Das wird wohl fuer die Einscheibenanordnung gelten.

Man hat dann einen transparenten Ueberdruck auf der
Leiterschleife. Nun denke ich mir, dass die Faelle des
Ausfalls dieser Alarmschleife oder das Selbstaus-
loesen untersucht wurden.

Vermutlich hat der erwaehnte "Verband der Sachver-
sicherer (VdS)" Untersuchungen in Auftrag gegeben,
und es gibt Fachpublikationen speziell zu diesem

Wie ist es mit Hitzeeinwirkung durch sehr heisse Son-

Die erwaehnte aggressive "Vogelkacke" wird wohl als
Problemfall nicht vorkommen.


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