On http://www.ondesmag.fr.fm/
but, is not on line...
The AT90S2313 take 1 cycle for one instruction, (4 for the pic), work at
and you dont have a W register, it s same as DSP (ex R3<R3+R4).
with this you have only one for ATMEL, and two for PIC.
After, more long, I compare the registers and the risc instruction.
ex: you have ADDLW and SUBLW on PIC, only SUBI on ATMEL, because SUBI - is
same as ADDI!.
You can move memory in ATMEL more easy with 2 (3) pointers.
The lib float for PIC is too big for the 16F84, but with AT90S2313 you can
(approx same space).
With other PIC, ex16F87x you can use a float lib.
A lot of electronic R/C plane (from germany) use ATMEL (power BEC).
My LCMeter
is an example of the float ATMEL give by:
; ** FAST IEEE FP Routines for Atmel AVR RISC **
; ** 1998,1999 by Jack Tidwell <jackt@igalaxy.net> **
; ** These routines may be used for personal and educational
; ** purposes, and are free to download. **
easy to use, and can be used for other projects where float can be used.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Sousa" <etsteve@yahoo.com>
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2003 11:25 PM
Subject: Re: LCmeter history...
but, is not on line...
The AT90S2313 take 1 cycle for one instruction, (4 for the pic), work at
and you dont have a W register, it s same as DSP (ex R3<R3+R4).
with this you have only one for ATMEL, and two for PIC.
After, more long, I compare the registers and the risc instruction.
ex: you have ADDLW and SUBLW on PIC, only SUBI on ATMEL, because SUBI - is
same as ADDI!.
You can move memory in ATMEL more easy with 2 (3) pointers.
The lib float for PIC is too big for the 16F84, but with AT90S2313 you can
(approx same space).
With other PIC, ex16F87x you can use a float lib.
A lot of electronic R/C plane (from germany) use ATMEL (power BEC).
My LCMeter
is an example of the float ATMEL give by:
; ** FAST IEEE FP Routines for Atmel AVR RISC **
; ** 1998,1999 by Jack Tidwell <jackt@igalaxy.net> **
; ** These routines may be used for personal and educational
; ** purposes, and are free to download. **
easy to use, and can be used for other projects where float can be used.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Sousa" <etsteve@yahoo.com>
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.design
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2003 11:25 PM
Subject: Re: LCmeter history...
"Joerg Wunsch" <j@ida.interface-business.de> a écrit dans le message news:free wrote:
I explain in a paper (onde magazine) why the atmel is powerfull than
Is that magazine available online? I tried following the link you gave in
previous post but i couldn't find the magazines online.
Thank you.
Steve Sousa
Rudi Fischer <4rufi@arcor.de> wrote:
In sci.electronics.design meinte man (ua Winfield Hill,
Thread 'LC meter free') grad, dies
waere definitiv das Original...
Nur daß es mit einem PIC aufgebaut ist und eine propretäre Firmware
besitzt. Außerdem benutzt es Schiebetastenschalter.
Ich habe seit einiger Zeit etwas ähnliches in der Planung/Testphase
(geht aber noch nicht zuverlässig), braucht nur noch einen
Tastschalter für alles, wird in C programmiert, dafür einen 8 KB AVR
(vielleicht nehme ich in der endgültigen Variante sogar einen
ATmega16, mal sehen). Kleiner Spaß am Rande: eine Ausgabe via IR für
HP48 ist mit vorgesehen. ;-)
J"org Wunsch Unix support engineer