No More Power Providers!



I am downloading power electric energy from Ionosphere by using a single
antenna sending pulses about 7 Hz aproximely, I am moving motors in
continous operation of severeals HP and I've comproved the power for
download is unlimited, watts, KiloWatts, Mega Watts, GigaWatts, etc, I've
gived a demostration
in Spain exposing the antenna to travel of a window of the Hotel
I've deduced the resonance equations of Nicola Tesla for build my systems
and you can see it working if you will come to South America
There is a web site for download more information, photos, etc, this site
is in spanish buy tou can use a translator:

and an introductory site in english:

This post is published with the proposit of give a cultural aportation and
not discuse about the possibility of download power from ionosphere because
it's working and is real
and show the electrical energy now is free and soon there is not a energy
provider, not only for houses demand of power, for transport, aeronautic,
etc... there is very fields of future application.
And give to the readers of this articles build for himself the systems I've

Questions to the following email deleting the WITHOUTTHIS:

Bye, thanks
Johnny wrote:

I am downloading power electric energy from Ionosphere by using
Fine, make yourself mony with that, but don't annoy us !!!

Johnny wrote:
download is unlimited, watts, KiloWatts, Mega Watts, GigaWatts, etc,

It's 01-Aug-04 and not 01-Apr-04.

Wird download nicht in bytes, kB, MB, GB usw. gemessen?
Gehm mer ihm 40 Punkte auf dem Crackpot index.
Und 7.5 auf der nach hinten offenen Bublath-Skala.

mfg Rolf Bombach

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